
Mar 2011

A Story to Tell

Shirene recounts the inspiring Storytelling Workshop with Gcina Mhlophe-Becker at Museo Pambata and how it has affected her in her work in Palawan as a ROH teacher.

How did you celebrate International Women's Day? Marcus steps back and takes a look at what we do for women and how we celebrated the ladies of our community.

Lyn-Lyn attended a Maternal Health Seminar and discovered some disturbing information about the health of mothers in Palawan. She wasn't the only one.

Feb 2011

Go To the People

Martha Dewees, a social worker, professor and Roots of Health Board member examines our sites from a different perspective.

2011 has gotten off to a great start for Roots of Health and we are all very excited about our plans for the coming year.

It's been a year since the last time that Ugat ng Kalusugan staff did a needs assessment in various areas in Puerto Princesa in order to find the next location where Ugat ng Kalusugan / Roots of Health can extend its helping hand.

Nov 2010

ROH Branches Out

Many of the issues that communities face are more than we are equipped to deal with. We have been fortunate to have formed many positive partnerships with other organizations that have stepped in to help.

Shirene recounts how eager to learn the students of Pulang Lupa are, they come to class rain or shine.

Thank you, Barclays Capital Charitable Donations Committee.

Marcus examines the link between overpopulation and maternal health here in the Philippines.